Case12 | LabVIEW-sg Singapore Automation System Intergrator

LabVIEW-sg   Test Measurement
Project : Main Light Switch Test System
LabVIEW Programmer -- Main Light Switch Test System
Objective :   To develop a tester that can complete lots of tests within short cycle time and can allow the end user to adjust the test steps and test limitations arbitrarily. All of the test data and reports need to be saved in the database, and the system is able to execute in different mode to fulfill the different factory requirement.
Story : In order to test the end user’s new main light switch with various different models, our customer wants to build a tester with the maximized flexibility. The system allows the end user to adjust the test step and set different test limitation for different model. The test items include crossover test, quiescent current test, active current test, illumination test, force test, torque test, read/write memory data, and etc. Furthermore, the program is able to execute in different modes, such as auto mode, manual mode, rework mode, screen mode, reliability mode and etc. It raises the value of the tester by handling all of the factory needs by one system.

The program is purely customized without any commercial auto test scheduling software. The user can login in different authority, such as Operator, Engineer, and Administrator, to access different function of the program. The test data and test report are saved in database. We also develop customized algorithm to let the tester able to auto detect the failure of force test and torque test from the unobvious analog waveform.

Due to the numerous requests, the system eventually become very powerful and complicated compared to the original design. We help our customer to shorten the developing time and meet difficult criteria. By this tester, our customer cuts in automobile industry and wins the credit from the end user successfully.

Hardware :   NI Digital Multi-Meter board,NI DAQ board, Programmable Power Supply, Switch board, DIO board, and LIN Bus device.
 LabVIEW Programmer -- Automobile MLS Tester GUI LabVIEW Programmer -- Tester Backplane
 LabVIEW Programmer -- Lin Bus Synchronized Test    LabVIEW Programmer -- Illumination Test


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